Sunday, May 30, 2010

Third day...

This is where we went for lunch. It was in the middle of Madrid and most of the bussiness people went there to have lunch. At the end it was really full of people and a great atmosphere. The meal was also pretty good. I can really recommend it to everyone who makes a trip to Madrid. You can see the adress below.

I loved this store!! They had Ballerinas in every colour and of course I bought some ( you can see them in the pic below). The other day I went there again and bougt another ones in simply black. The store was pretty small but full of spanish people. It was a great atmosphere and you had to get a number to get operated.
Shirts: TopShop, Bag: Zara, Top: Zara, Shous: from the little Store above

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Second day in Madrid

 Felt like walking trough the whole city....autsch

That was really funny...a book store built in a house front
Love her look.. my friend is wearing her Chloe shirt and LV bag

First day in Madrid

Vom Flughafen mit der Metro Richtung Innenstadt und dann ging es auf Hotelsuche... Normalerweise kann ich wirklich behaupten, dass ich einen sehr guten Orientierungssinn habe, aber der scheint an diesem Abend (übrigens auch der meine Freundinnen ;)) völlig versagt zu haben. Unser Hotel war in der Nähe des Porta del Sole, soviel wussten wir schonmal. Und dann ging es erst mal in jede Richtung, nur nicht in die, in der unser Hotel war... Dann endlich angekommen sind wir nochmal für einen kleinen Snack nach draussen.

              Shirt: Mango, Jeans: Zara, Bag: LV, Belt: Hermès, Shoes: Zara

Our Hotel



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